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Hotspots by Waindigo 1.0.11b

Позволяет пользователям отмечать локации на карте мира или других картах

  1. Обновление до версии 1.0.11b

    • Исправление ошибки при удалении метки с карты
  2. 1.0.11a

    • Fixed bug that editing existing hotspot causes error that hotspot already exists.
  3. 1.0.11

    • Fixed incorrect class used in template for map nodes in node list, as reported by Chris Deeming and Stuart Wright here.
  4. 1.0.10

    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed bug that page navigation doesn't work properly on hotspot lists if a display option is selected.
    • Added friendlier error message if user attempts to add a hotspot that already exists.
    • Changed updated date to be formatted correctly when viewing a hotspot.