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Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.2

Авторизация и интеграция со Steam

  1. 1.6.2

    • Исправлена XSS уязвимость в SteamProfile badge
    • Fixed criteria bug for steam association
    This should fix issues with user group promotions that revert on their own based on steam authentication status and possibly some trophies as well.


    *** ВНИМАНИЕ: Это обновление требует установленного XenForo 1.5.0 Beta 1 или новее ***

    • Fixed undefined index bug with jsonproxy.php
    • Added support for two-step verification
    I've also added a check that will prevent an install if you aren't running the correct XenForo version. This check, however, will not revert uploaded files. If you accidentally tried to update this addon before updating to XenForo 1.5, just upload the files from the last compatible version of Steam Auth (ex Steam Auth 1.5.2) and everything should go back to working order.
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