1. Приветствуем Вас на неофициальном форуме технической поддержки XenForo на русском языке. XenForo - коммерческий форумный движок от бывших создателей vBulletin, написанный на PHP.

Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Blackberry mobile app 2.4.2

Мобильная версия для форума

  1. 2.3.2

    Bug Fixes:
    1. Fixed a registration failure issue when a forum is a members-only community and requires custom fields in registration.
    2. Fixed a compatibility issue with older versions of PHP
    3. Fixed a permissions issue when closing reports
    4. Miscellaneous minor bug fixes
    New Features and Changes:
    1. Support for birthday input during in-app new account registration.
    2. Updated Tapatalk usergroup assignment from Primary group to Secondary group.
    3. Deleted option: ‘Usergroup allowed on Tapatalk’
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